Monday, March 29, 2010

The rain has come out again.

Water is falling on the windows, and the sun isn't coming out to warm us up.  I can see some birdies flying by, but they don't sit on the wires outside the windows.  And it looks very gray out there. Dad says it's supposed to be like this for a week.  I'm not sure how long that is, but it sounds a lot like furever...

Derby, on his blog was talking about cat's eyes.  My mum and dad like to take the fotos, and my dad was kind enough to give me a treat after getting really close with his camera...

Wish it were sunny.  Perhaps I'll come up with a good plan for the world takeover...

Saturday, March 20, 2010


This is me (Zazou) when I was just adopted by my mum and dad.  I had been living on the street when a group called Project Purr picked me up. My dad says that I had a foster family for a couple of months and then I was adopted.

My sister Calypso showed up about a day later.  We took to each other really quickly, I liked following her around.

My dad helped us to put together a slide show of us and I tossed in a few of the birds I like to watch for.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The sun has come out.

And mom and dad are moving a bit earlier than usual. They keep saying something about "Daylight savings time." I don't know what that is, but it's been sunny and warm.

It's been raining all winter, and that makes it cold.  Almost as cold as the summer time when the fog comes in and doesn't go away furever!

But now it's sunny, and while I can soak up all of the sun, my sister Zazou can't because of her black fur. That's just too bad.

Now I have to figure out how to get the sun from moving  and I'll be blissfully happy.

Maybe enough to forget my plans for world domination.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I'm pretty...

I must have good genes...


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Chased out again...

Of the basement.  Mum and Dad keep the downstairs room closed off, but sometimes I can sneak in when they go down to get something. They'll usually let me lounge around for a little while until they decide it's time for me to come to dinner.  I don't mind that, but I think they should bring dinner down to me in the basement.  That would be much better.

Hi to all of the followers from Huffle!  I'm very impressed with all of the comments!  I have't had a chance to read all of them, but I will.  I have to kick dad off the computer for a little while. 

Until then, I had fun watching this birdy out the window a few days ago (one of the sunny ones).  I think he would make a great snack, or two, or maybe three....


Monday, March 1, 2010

New fish!

My dad keeps fish for our entertainment.  Last December or so, the fish in the fish bowl disappeared. I didn't eat it and neither did Zazou, so we can only assume that mom and dad had it for dinner....

Last weekend, another one showed up, so Zazou and I can try to get to it. Normally we just stick our heads in and try to drink the water down.  Sometimes we grab the plant and hope that the fish gets caught in it.  So far none of this has worked.
