Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My turn to get the string!

Calypso likes to hog the string, but sometimes I grab it instead.  When I get it, I like to lay on it, grab it in my teeth and then reel it all in.  Then I sit on it all.

I don't know what I'm supposed to do after that.

-- Zazou.


  1. Then your human comes along and swipes it away and you get to chase it and grab it all over again!

  2. I think you have the game down pat, Zazou. There is only as 'more' as you want.

  3. You just lay on it and keep it warm. Like hatching an egg!

  4. Hi Zazou! We like to play with the string like that too!It is so much fun to sit on it! We think it sounds like you have a good time!!

  5. You are very good at the string game, we think! That's how the cat kids play it around here.
