Saturday, May 26, 2018

Pupurazzi being extra annoying

Apparently Dad is thinking about new camera gear, so he's been "renting" cameras and lenses to try out. Needless to say, I'm thinking of hiding in the closet until he's finally done, being flashed is becoming annoying to say the least.

Let's see, since I last posted, the remodel is done, we haven't had any loud banging anymore.  I think we're waiting on something called "Final".  I hope it's less noisy than "not-final".

They took me to the V.E.T. again.  She said I had "arthur-itis".  I don't know what that means, but they're changing foods on me now.  Sometimes I get the chunky stuff, sometimes I get the smoother stuff.  I like the smoother, I don't know why they just don't give me the herring-lobster-salmon more often.

-- Calypso


  1. I like being photographed! Maybe I'm weird for a kity.

  2. Good question, Caypso...why DON'T they give you herring-lobster-salmon all of the time? Aren't humans on earth just to cater to kitties?

  3. calypso....trooth....salmon N herrin iz de BEST THING for naztee arthur itiz.... !!! { sorree him iz at yur houz ~~ ♥♥
