Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Gotcha Day, number 18 or so?


No, I wasn't brought home in a bag, but I like them.  Or I did, when I could get into and out of them easily.  This was in 2005, and I was 2 then.

-- Calypso


  1. Whoa, Happy Gotchaversary, Calypso!
    Manny too LURVs paper bags, while Chili Bruce wants to lick and chew on any plastic bag he can get his mouth one.

  2. happee gotcha day number 18 ore sew caly! we hope ewe N joy yur day,
    cauz trubullz, eat much perch, and heerz two a yeer a head filled with happeez and healtheez…..gram paw dude waz all wayz ina bag….big brown onez de grocery
    stor used ta carry !🐟💚💙🍀
